aroma EVENTS

aroma*Event is a tool to distinguish your event, conference, congress and so on. Using fragrance of citruses, coconuts, exotic flowers, sand, ocean and wind in your hair or other fragrance we create positive and strong emotional bonds, which leave in customers' memory a long-lasting trail. Scent compositions can also create an unforgettable company image, which takes care of your target group's sensual impressions. People also remember only rough impressions from an event. They can be felt on different levels of consciousness, but most of them appreciate scent impressions, because they have an enormous importance in recognition and remembrance of an environment and people that appear in it. Only try to think of the scent of cookies from your childhood, your last vacations, etc. Just look how important place takes sense of smell in your memories, when it comes to remembering places, people or objects... The world of scent is enormous and magic. Therefore it seems to be quite wise to use it in creating strong and wonderful bonds with your client. Fragrances are and always will be present in our environment. It appears to be important to look after them, that they will not be accidental, unpleasant or tiring in a place which represents your company.

That unique and individually chosen scent can appear to be your scent logo even for the whole life. Therefore it seems to be wise to use a professional help in choosing the right one and only your scent that suits you best...

A wide range of aroma*EVENT services covers:
  • mending for an event an appropriate device
  • individual choice of technological options
  • individually chosen scent to your event
  • preparing the whole concept of aroma creation for an event
  • adjusting scent communication to the whole marketing communication, especially visual aspects
  • service during an event
marketing zapachowych, aromamarketing

aroma EVENTS


ad*aroma - marketing zapachowy

D2B Sp. z o.o.
ul. Domaniewska 39a
02-672 Warszawa
tel. 022 382 1234
tel. 022 382 1267

RSS ad*aroma RSS


Zapach bohaterem sztuki współczesnej

W dniach 21-23 września w Raciborzu odbyła się trzecia edycja Raciborskiego Festiwalu Sztuki Ciało. Duch. Miasto. Wśród debiutujących artystów była Justyna Gruszczyk, która w projekcie zatytułowanym Przenikanie zastosowała niezwykłe medium: zapach.
